Opening Times and Accessibility
Last updated Friday, 14 February, 2025
The Priory Church is open to visitors and for private prayer from 10am-5pm every day except when there are special services or events. Plan your visit by viewing the current Weekly Schedule here
St John's at Purewell and St George’s are both currently closed to visitors.
The Priory ® Tea Rooms and Gift Shop are open from Monday to Saturday 10am to 4pm.
The Grounds
Our wonderful Monastic lawns towards the rear of the Priory are perfect for a picnic or to enjoy a selection of snacks from The Priory ® tea rooms.
You can also do a 15 minute circular walk taking in the river and ruins of the old town. The Quay with its wonderful views to the Isle of Wight is a 60 second walk from the Priory.
The Priory Church was built over 900 years ago without accessibility in mind but most of the church is accessible to visitors with mobility, hearing and sight restrictions.
Hard of Hearing
An Induction Loop service is available in the Nave, Great Quire and the Lady Chapel. Simply switch your hearing aid to the 'T' position to block out surrounding noise. This will help you to hear sermons and speeches more clearly.
An Amplified Service is also available in most areas of the church.
Visually Impaired/Blind
We have a large print version of our 'Welcome Leaflet' which provides a brief history of the church and a floor plan showing items of particular interest to visitors. Many of the statues, memorials and chantries have tactile surfaces which can be explored with your hands to get a good picture of what they look like. There is a scale model of the church at the east end of the North Quire Aisle which at the cost of just 20p, will light up and play a recording of the Priory Bells and the organ.
Guide Dogs and other Assistance Dogs are welcome.
Wheelchair Access
There is level access through the North Porch into the Priory. The doors and aisles are wide enough to facilitate wheelchair access. The following areas of the church are unfortunately inaccessible to wheelchair users.
The Great Quire requires a climb of 8 steps from either the North or South Quire Aisles. There are handrails on these steps.
The North Transept has 3 steps and then a further 2. There is no handrail.
The South Transept has 3 steps which are widely spaced and so easier to climb. There is a handrail.
St Michael's Loft Museum can only be reached by a narrow spiral staircase.
The Tower is also reached by narrow steps.
The Crypts
Disabled Parking
The Priory Church does not have its own Car Park but a space can usually be found in the Priory House Car Park adjacent to the church and Priory House. Alternatively, there is a Pay and Display Car Park located behind the Priory Church.
There are toilets located in Priory House, to the left of the main entrance to the Tea Rooms.