Mothers' Union
Last updated Wednesday, 20 March, 2019
Our objectives are as follows:
- To uphold Christ's teaching on the nature of marriage and to promote its wider understanding.
- To encourage parents to bring up their children in the faith and life of the Church.
- To maintain a worldwide fellowship of Christians, united in prayer, worship and service.
- To promote conditions in society favourable to stable family life and the protection of children.
- To help those whose family life has met with adversity.
The way we put these objectives into practice in Christchurch Priory is as follows:
Afternoon Group
The Afternoon Group meet on the first Tuesday in the month at 2.00pm in Room 8 at Priory House. Meeting starts with notices, a hymn and prayer with speaker at 2.15pm. Tea and discussion at 3.00pm. with finish at 3.45pm.
Music Mice
The Music Mice Service is held on the second and fourth Monday in the month in Priory House, Room 8 Arrival time 9.15am onwards. There are songs and stories for toddlers and pre-school children with parents or carers joining in. It is followed by squash for toddlers and coffee for parents/carers. (See Music Mice page.)
We also aim to support the Priory Church by providing refreshments at many of the fund-raising events. Although we humorously call ourselves “the tea ladies” we have great fun and team spirit in helping.
Being part of the wider Mothers' Union organisation means that we try to send a representative number of members to Deanery and Diocesan events, which usually take the form of special services in different Church locations. We also aim to raise money for Mothers’ Union projects and these vary from providing holidays to families in this country who could otherwise not afford one to providing shelters for street children in Africa.
We do extend a warm welcome to anyone who would like to join Mothers' Union and ask that they contact Jenny Martin on 01202 482218 for further details.