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The Parish of Christchurch. Christchurch Priory, St George at Jumpers, St John at Purewell

Phased Exterior Conservation Programme

Last updated Wednesday, 20 March, 2019
  Plan of the Priory for Consevation work
Phase I: Bennett Legacy Project - 2000. Cost of Project: £200,000.
Phase II: North Elevation Project - 2002. Cost of Project: £525,000.
Phase III: North Transept Project - 2003. Cost of Project: £285,000.
Phase IV: North Choir - 2006. Cost of Project: £330,000.
  Phase V: Estimated Cost of Project: £400,000.
Phase V: Lady Chapel.
Phase VI: South Choir.
Phase VII: South Transept.
Phase VIII: South Nave Clerestory and North Tower.
Phase IX: South Nave Aisle.