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The Parish of Christchurch. Christchurch Priory, St George at Jumpers, St John at Purewell


Last updated Friday, 21 March, 2025

Organising a funeral can be a distressing experience.  Here in the Parish of Christchurch, we want to help make the process go as smoothly as possible for those who are grieving.

A funeral can be held in the Priory, or in St George's Church at Jumpers, for anyone who has lived within the Parish of Christchurch or has worshipped in our Churches.  It is also possible to conduct funerals in other circumstances, with the agreement of the Vicar.  Our clergy are also available to conduct funeral services at a crematorium or a local cemetery.

Most often funeral directors will coordinate directly with the Parish Office to agree a time and date for the Service.  It is also possible for relatives or executors to contact us directly by email on or by telephone 01202 143859.  The member of Clergy will then meet with the family member / friend who is making arrangements to plan the details of the Service and to offer pastoral support if that's helpful.

We charge statutory Church of England fees for the funeral Services and set out a schedule of rates each year.  These can be provided on request.


In our regular Services, prayers are said for those who have recently died.  We also maintain a "Year's Mind" where loved ones are remembered in our prayers on the anniversary of their passing.  If you would like us to remember someone in prayer, forms are available in Christchurch Priory and St George's Church or you can request one from the Parish Office.

A special Service is also held on the Saturday closest to 2nd November which is All Saints Day.  Anyone is welcome to attend and list the name of a loved one that they would like to remember during the Service through the lighting of a candle.

During Christchurch Priory's opening hours, anyone is welcome to come in and light a candle.  There are usually two candle stations - one at the West End of the Church and one by St Stephen's Chapel - our welcome team or Verger will show you where these locations are if you are unsure.

Christchurch Priory can also be floodlit in remembrance of a departed loved one.  Details are available online here.

Garden of Rest

The Garden of Rest outside Christchurch Priory is managed by the Parish.  The cemetery near St George's Church is under Local Authority control so enquiries should be directed accordingly.

The scattering of ashes in our Garden of Rest is not permitted but, so long as the qualifying criteria are met, up to two sets of ashes can be interred into each plot.  We do have a set of regulations for the Garden of Rest which will be provided to anyone making an enquiry.  Plots are allocated at the time of need, and may not be reserved in advance.

If you wish to enquire about interring a loved one's ashes at Christchurch Priory, please contact the Vergers on or by ringing the Vestry on 01202 143866.