The Priory Volunteers
Last updated Tuesday, 8 June, 2021
Usually two welcomers are on duty at the North Porch entrance. They wear blue gowns and make the first contact with incoming visitors.
They welcome all visitors to the church and assist any who have specific enquiries. General visitors are given informative leaflets about the Priory (these are free and are available in some 16 different languages including Russian and Japanese) to help make their visit more interesting.
The Welcomers also have available leaflets regarding times and dates of forthcoming concerts, organ recitals or other attractions.
They can advise whether the church museum is open and if and when Tower visits are available. (Tower visits must for insurance reasons, be supervised by a guide or steward)
The helpfulness and pleasant attitude of a welcomer sets the tone for an enjoyable visit which the visitor may wish to repeat.
Stewards and Guides
At least one steward is on duty whenever the church is open. They wear a medallion of the church seal on a blue ribbon around their necks.
One of their duties is to assist the Verger to maintain good order in the church and to watch security.
Most stewards and all guides are knowledgeable about the church, its architecture and history and will be pleased to answer any questions, point out items of interest and give small groups or family parties an ad hoc mini-tour.
Welcoming, guiding and stewarding and indeed all activities at the Priory are most interesting and rewarding. If you are recently retired or a local resident with an hour or two to spare in a week why not join us? You will be very welcome.
Gift Shop
There are approximately 60 volunteers who work in the Priory Gift Shop without whom, the shop would be unable to remain open.
Flower Arrangers
We have a team of wonderful ladies who arrange and maintain the flower arrangements for special occasions in the church and also for weddings.
Holy Dusters
A dedicated few who ensure that the Priory is clean and presentable for visitors.