Related Sites
Last updated Monday, 8 January, 2024
Church of England - www.cofe.anglican.org
The website containing all the information you need about the Church of England.
Diocese of Winchester - www.winchester.anglican.org
The Diocese of Winchester covers East Dorset, Hampshire and the Channel Islands. The website has downloadable newsletters and information.
Major Churches Network - www.majorchurches.org
Christchurch Priory is a member of The Major Churches Network, an informal association of non-cathedral churches which have many of the characteristics of a cathedral. Their website provides more information about the group and other member churches.
Dorset Historic Churches Trust - www.dhct.org.uk
The Dorset Historic Churches Trust is dedicated to the preservation of Christian Churches and Chapels within the County of Dorset.
Priory CE VA Primary School - www.prioryschool.dorset.sch.uk
The Christchurch Priory is closely linked with the local primary school, the Priory CE VA School.
Christchurch Tourism - www.visit-dorset.com/explore/areas-to-visit/christchurch/
This is the Tourism section of the of the Christchurch Borough Council website. Find out what else Christchurch has to offer for visitors.
CadArts - www.cadarts.com
Christchurch and District Arts Council, CADArts, is a co-ordinating body for the individuals and organisations (amateur and professional) in all fields of the Arts in Christchurch.
Grange Choral Society - www.grangechoralsociety.co.uk
A very gifted mixed choir who have made the Priory Church their home.
Internal photograph of The Priory on the homepage courtesy of Brian Terrey www.terreyphoto.co.uk
The Parish of Christchurch is not responsible for the content of external websites. The inclusion of a link to an external website on this or any other page of this site should not be taken as an endorsement of that website or of the site's owners, products or services offered therein.