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Sermons Services archive

Christchurch Priory


Welcome to our parish website. There has been a church on the site of Christchurch Priory for over 1300 years, from the first Saxon building to the glorious Priory Church we see today.

Throughout the centuries, the worship of God, through Jesus Christ his Son and inspired by the Holy Spirit, has been at the heart of the Priory’s life and has fuelled its service to the local community. Very rarely has the voice of praise been stilled within these walls: once during the reign of King John, when the country was under Papal censure; once, at least, because of bubonic plague; and recently as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Our prayer and worship continues, but in new ways.

The Priory Church is open for visitors as well as for private prayer. We look forward to welcoming you.

God bless you all.  

Canon Charles Stewart (Vicar)


Normal  Weekly Service Times:


In the Priory Church

8am Eucharist 

10am Sung Eucharist (& Junior Church for ages up to 13)

6.30pm Choral Evensong (Solemn Evensong & Benediction on the last Sunday of the Month)

At St. George's

9.30am  Sung Eucharist

Weekdays and Saturdays

8.30am daily  Morning Prayer on Zoom.
                        For joining details please contact 'Conference' via our contact page.

5pm daily  Evening Prayer in the Great Quire at the Priory

Monday 9.30am Holy Communion at the Priory (St. Stephen's Chapel)

Tuesday 9.30am  Holy Communion at the Priory (St. Stephen's Chapel)

Wednesday 11am  Holy Communion with Hymns at the Priory (Lady Chapel)

Thursday 10am  Holy Communion at St George's

Thursday 11am  Holy Communion at the Priory (Lady Chapel)

Friday 9.30am  Holy Communion at the Priory (St. Stephen's Chapel)

Saturday 9.30am Holy Communion at the Priory (St. Stephen's Chapel)

View the Priory Church Weekly Schedule here

Donations:  Please either post a cheque made out to The PCC of Christchurch Holy Trinity - Freewill Offering Ac, to The Finance Administrator, Christchurch Priory, Priory House, Quay Road, BH23 1BU; or make a direct payment by online banking to The PCC of Christchurch Holy Trinity - Freewill Offering Ac , sort code 40-52-40, account number 00034168; or use the ‘DONATE’ button below to make a donation using a debit card.

Thank you.

Daily Prayer

Morning Prayer: We say Morning Prayer together daily (Mon-Sat) at 8.30 am, using Zoom. We use Common Worship Daily Prayer. The text is available as a free download from the Church of England website, just go to: Daily Prayer . If you would like to join us on Zoom, please send a message via our contact page for details. 

Evening Prayer: You are most welcome to join us in the Priory Great Quire at 5pm weekdays and Saturday. If you would like to say this office at home, you can find it at: Daily Prayer

Night Prayer (Compline): If you would like to end your day with a quiet and reflective service of Compline (night prayer), you can do so using this link: Daily Prayer 

Prayer Requests

If you would like prayers to be offered for someone or something, please email your request via our contact page and your prayer will be offered during Evening Prayer at 5.00pm. 

Visiting and Private Prayer

We would love to welcome you to the Priory for private prayer and for visiting Monday to Saturday between 10am and 5pm and on Sunday between 12pm and 4pm. 

We will occasionally be closed to visitors during special services and events and not all areas are accessible when regular services and events are taking place - to help plan your visit, please view the Weekly Schedule here.  

St George's and St John's are currently closed except for services. 

Foodbank logo

Items needed - long-life semi skimmed milk, tinned meat pies, tinned/boxed custard, tinned vegetables, small jars of coffee and tea bags, tinned fruit, jelly cubes, pasta sauce jars and tinned rice pudding – in fact, any tinned or packaged food which (if possible) has a six-week shelf-life.

There is a collection point for donations in the Priory Church or visit the Food Bank at

St Joseph's Old Chapel, 67a Purewell Road Mon 10-12 Tue 10-12 Thur 11-1pm Fri 2-4pm

Alternatively, please support by making a direct donation by bank transfer to 40-52-40 a/c 00015300 using the reference CFBFood.

Please remember the work of our friends at Christchurch Foodbank+ - see some of what they do at